What would the long-term effect on world evangelism be if we equipped hundreds of thousands of persecuted but courageous believers with God’s Word?
Share in a vision for a record-breaking community effort to uphold the future of the Church around the world by sending Bibles to a young and brave generation of Christians.
Since 2008, the Lord has raised up over $368,000 for this project through the churches of this valley, and we have been able to donate nearly 64,000 Bibles to Christians in persecuted countries. Praise God! The eternal impact of this gift cannot even be imagined. The goal of the One Hope Project is to provide Bibles to our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.
On the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church to be held in November, churches around the world will lift their prayers on behalf of these brothers and sisters. The Coachella Valley Christian community can do that…and more. If the Christians of this country would unite in this effort, we could provide a Bible for every Christian who wants one!
This year, we’ve selected a project through Frontlines International to provide Bibles for persecuted brothers and sisters in a closed country, which will cost $10 per Bible. If you want to donate toward these Bibles, please feel free to donate in any amount.
To give online, please go to https://frontlinesinternational.org/, click on the “Donate” button, select “Bible Distribution,” and then under “Additional Comments,” write “One Hope Project.”
The One Hope Project is a ministry of churches in the Coachella Valley working together with ministry organizations who provide Bibles to persecuted Christians.