The One Hope Project is a ministry of churches in the Coachella Valley to raise money to provide Bibles for persecuted Christians around the world. Recently, these churches issued the One Hope Challenge, which is simply this: “By God’s grace and for God’s glory, I will donate $10, for one Bible, every Sunday for as long as God enables me.”
“This is a bold, exciting challenge,” remarked Dave Gordon. “Not only does it provide persecuted Christians with an opportunity to have their own copy of God’s Word, but it allows the giver to live a lifestyle of loving the persecuted church. Each week is a reminder to “do without” – to make a financial sacrifice – so that our Christian brothers and sisters around the world can have the advantage of being encouraged by their own copy of a Bible. For some, this sacrifice might mean skipping a trip to the coffee house. For others, it might mean fasting from a meal. Pray about what God is leading you to do in this area, and follow His leading.”
Jon Skramstad, pastor of New Life Community Church of La Quinta, offered this reminder, quoting Abraham Lincoln on receiving a Bible, “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book.”
Participating in the One Hope Challenge is a voluntary commitment. If you choose to give a Bible a week, it amounts to about $1.43 per day, $10 per week, or $43.33 per month.
Commitment cards can be found here: One Hope Challenge Commitment Cards
To give, if your church has an option to collect money for One Hope Project, you can designate a gift at church; otherwise, you can donate to Frontlines International to the One Hope Project fund. To provide Bibles for persecuted brothers and sisters in a closed country, at a cost $10 per Bible, please go to, select “Bible Distribution,” and then under “Additional Comments,” write “One Hope Project.” You can choose to make a one-time donation, or a recurring gift on a weekly or monthly basis.
An inspiring story was shared with the One Hope Project by Leah Hudson. She writes at her blog,, [when the cost per Bible was $5 – the updated cost is $10 per Bible]: “Some time ago, I started holding on to all my $5 bills. If I was given a $5 bill in my change, no matter the sacrifice, I held onto it.” She then used them to save up for two large purchases, paying for them mostly with these $5 bills, then still kept saving. “But the pastor who spoke this morning issued a challenge that immediately signaled the call of the Lord on my heart. He asked us to consider committing to give $5 each week, as long as the Lord should enable us to provide a Bible each week for the persecuted believers elsewhere in the world. I immediately knew that God was preparing my heart to give my $5 bills, one week at a time to encourage and build up His church and my fellow brothers and sisters.” Read more of her story here: